A snow-covered landscape with a forest in the background.

Sustainability indexes and awards

SCA is included on several international sustainability indexes, which serve as a stamp of quality for sustainability activities. We have, for example, been awarded the highest EcoVadis ranking, Sustainability Platinum Medal. SCA also received the Carnegie Sustainability Award.



EcoVadis assesses sustainability practices in four areas: environment, labor and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement. Its evaluation encompasses more than 90,000 companies in 200 sectors in 160 countries.

SCA qualified for the Sustainability Platinum Medal, the best possible ranking in the assessment. Only 1% of companies assessed in the industry by EcoVadis achieved this ranking.

UN Global Compact

SCA supports the UN Global Compact, the world’s largest voluntary responsible business initiative. We have been members since 2008.
The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption. Every year, we report our work in accordance with the principles through a Communication on Progress (COP).


SCA reports, for example, risks and opportunities, emissions data, business strategy, targets and outcomes, and biodiversity to CDP.  For example, risks and opportunities, business strategy and implementation are reported for forests.


Morningstar Sustainalytics analyzes data on environment, social responsibility and corporate governance for more than 20,000 companies in more than 170 countries.


MSCI measures a company’s resilience to environmental risks, social risks and governance risks. 

Winner of the Carnegie Sustainability Award

Top ranking among sustainable companies