A lake surrounded by forest.

Valuable forests

The forest forms the foundation of SCA’s operations and correctly managed it is a perpetual resource. Our goal is to responsibly manage our forests so they are at least as rich in biodiversity, nature experiences and raw material in the future as they are today.

Supporting sustainability targets and outcome 2024:

Target: 100% CoC certified wood raw material – minimum requirement FSC Controlled  Wood Standard.
Outcome: 100%.

Target: 75% of wood raw material from certified forests or harvested with SCA retention methods.
Outcome: 75%.

Target: SCA’s own forestry management certified under FSCTM (FSC C004466) and PEFC (PEFC/05-23-131). 
Outcome: 100% of SCA-owned forest (forest management).

Target: We are to work proactively to protect biodiversity by increasing the number of habitats of special importance for SCA’s Species Commitment.
Outcome: Actions performed for SCA’s Species Commitment on 5,922 hectares in 2024).

Forest is an important part of the earth’s ecosystem and forest processes are long. It takes almost a century for a tree to become mature enough for harvesting. Many other processes in nature that promote flora and fauna also take a very long time.

Our planning when it comes to forest management extends over one hundred years. At the same time as we ensure high and long-term access to renewable forest raw materials, we work with environmental consideration at different levels to preserve biodiversity.  

Different levels of environmental consideration

We completely exempt forests with the highest conservation values from forest operations. In other forests, land use is combined with measures that promote biodiversity, such as continuous cover forms of forest management. We also implement active measures to create or restore important habitats such as wetlands and burnt wood.

Even in forests without high conservation value, we also take extensive conservation measures. We call this everyday considerations or basic retention. Consideration is also taken in all forest operations, everything from soil scarification and clearing to thinning and regeneration harvesting.

Habitats and SCA’s Species Commitment

We are continuously striving to make our nature conservation efforts more effective, doing the right thing in the right place. A few years ago, we identified 203 species that live in our forests and that are adversely impacted by various forest operations. These are included under SCA’s Species Commitment.

We also identified 11 habitats of special importance for these species and we are now working in various ways to preserve, develop and also recreate these prioritized habitats. This approach will enable us to achieve greater precision in our work on biodiversity.

Other forest values

SCA also plays an active role in developing forest operations that promote low-impact forestry methods and strengthen conservation values. We also endeavor to develop the forest’s other values. This could include water, reindeer herding, ancient and cultural remains, experiences and much more.

When we help and support other forest owners to manage their forests, we encourage them to also conduct responsible forest management.

Indicators of biodiversity

More about the results
A pond in the forest.

Responsible forestry

Read more here
A woman walking in the forest.

Certified forest management

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SCA's conservation parks