Our sustainability platform
Sustainability work is integrated into our operations and our business decisions. Basically, we create as much value as possible, both in the forest and from the renewable raw materials provided by our forest.
Our sustainability platform comprises six prioritized areas that encompass social, economic and environmental targets. The basis of our work is a value-based culture and profitable growth. People and value-based culture is about how we interact with each other and our stakeholders, while profitable growth is essential if we are to invest in sustainability and advance developments.
Using this as a foundation, we can successfully work with our four other areas: Fossil-free world, Valuable forests, Efficient use of resources and Vibrant communities. We have long-term overarching Group targets and supporting targets for all six areas, which guide our priorities. The targets are to be reached by 2030.
More about our areas of priority

Fossil-free world
SCA actively manages its forests so they have a high growth rate. The growing forests bind CO₂ and produce raw materials for renewable products that can replace fossil-based alternatives. Emissions from our own operations are low and we are constantly striving to reduce them further. Group target: Climate benefit of at least 10 million tonnes CO₂e per year.

Valuable forests
SCA engages in responsible forest management so that our forests will be at least as rich in biodiversity, experiences and raw materials in the future as they are today. Group target: 100% of wood raw material to come from responsibly managed forests.

Efficient use of resources
SCA uses the entire tree and works continuously to increase resource efficiency in all our processes. This helps us to be economical with the planet’s resources, reduce environmental impact and achieve greater profitability. Group target: Zero waste – no wastage.

Vibrant communities
SCA develops together with the communities where we operate. We create jobs and growth both directly and indirectly. We also support local associations to contribute toward meaningful leisure activities and a richer life for those who live in our operating areas. Group target: Contribute to sustainable development in the communities in which we operate.

People and value-based culture
SCA’s core values are responsibility, respect and excellence and these are included in our Code of Conduct. The core values and the Code shape our operations and form the basis for a safe and healthy work environment. They guide us in how we conduct business and how we interact with each other, our customers, suppliers and other stakeholders. Group target: An accident-free and healthy SCA where all employees comply with SCA’s Code of Conduct.

Profitable growth
SCA seeks to encourage sustainable and profitable growth. This will provide the conditions and resources to allow us to protect the forest, people and the environment. The forest forms the core of our operations and we create profitable growth by carefully managing the forest and increasing the value generated by each tree. Group target: Leading total shareholder return (TSR).
UN Global Goals
UN Sustainable Development Goals (Global Goals) is the most ambitious agreement for sustainable development ever adopted by world leaders. The term sustainable development includes the three dimensions of sustainability: social, economic and environmental. Due to SCA’s sustainability strategy, we contribute to all 17 goals.