Projects on SCA's land

SCA is Europe's largest private forest owner with 2.6 million hectares of forest land. In several areas the good wind conditions make it attractive to develop wind power and SCA has signed several land leases with developers and project owners. An extensive expansion of wind power is currently underway and the demand for green electricity is estimated to continue to increase sharply.

At the end of the second quarter of 2022, there were 665 wind turbines in operation on SCA's land with an annual production capacity of 6.9 TWh, which corresponds to approximately 20 percent of Sweden's total wind power production. Adding projects where construction has started, but are not yet completed, commissioned production capacity on SCA's land is expected to increase to 9 TWh in 2023.

In the future SCA intends to become a long-term owner and is therefore currently co-projecting several projects in two major collaborations together with Eolus and OX2.


SCA intends to become its own long-term owner and is therefore currently co-projecting several projects in two major collaborations together with OX2 and Arise.

Collaboration OX2

On 7 May 2019, OX2 and SCA signed a cooperation agreement on the design of new wind power. The goal is to realize approx. 1,000 MW of new wind power within a five-year period with an annual production capacity of approx. 2.3 TWh. Initially, OX2 and SCA have identified a handful of suitable areas for wind power in Norrland. OX2 and SCA have started the development of these projects and further areas may become relevant.


Collaboration Arise

On October 20, 2023, SCA and Arise entered into a cooperation agreement for the design of wind power on SCA's land in Sweden. Together with Arise, SCA has identified six possible project areas for wind power with a potential of around 1000 MW in total. The goal is to realize the projects in collaboration and thereby take another step in meeting the increased demand for renewable electricity in northern Sweden.


SCA projects


All types
All types
SkogbergetWind powerIn operationPiteå municipality
FasikanWind powerUnder constructionBräcke municipality
HögsvedjanWind powerPlanningSundsvall municipality
TjärdalsbergetWind powerPlanningSundsvall municipality

Projects currently under development, OX2

Project areas on SCA's properties

An overview of all project areas on SCA's land that are in progress of being developed or already are in operations are shown in the map function below. For more information click on each project area. Areas have been classified according to the different project phases for example ”early dialogue", "construction", "development", and "commissioned". For external projects, we refer to the respective project company.

The map tool also shows SCA's high nature values areas, which have been voluntary set aside, and areas that are managed with alternative methods.

FSC®and PEFC - What is important to consider when developing wind power on SCA properties?

SCA's forestry is certified (FSC®004466, PEFC/05-23-131), which means that SCA commits to follow guidelines for responsible forestry as set out by FSC and PEFC. SCA's forests are managed long-term with the ambition to both produce high-quality renewable raw material and to preserve and develop the forest's other important values. SCA has exempted areas from forestry which are classified to be high nature value areas. Even when converting forest to other land use, including land for wind power purposes, these areas and restrictions must be considered. When establishing wind power, account must also be taken of the benefits for the local economy as well as currently existing areas of interest for outdoor activities.

The project developer is responsible for passing on the of SCA provided information to his subcontractors. The requirements, which are applicable to all SCA's properties, apply in addition to the statutory process for wind power establishment and include, among other things:

Areas of interest for wind power development that a developer has asked permission to lease will be published on SCA's website together with relevant information about the developer. The information will remain on SCA's website as long as the project is still in the planning phase.

Project development may begin no earlier than three months after the area is published on SCA's website. This means that SCA enters into a possible agreement at the earliest when these three months have expired.

In connection with the start of the project, the wind power designer must also post the project area on the Energy Agency's map service Vindbrukskollen and keep the information updated. The designer must offer local interested stakeholders, a physical meeting to inform about the project and collect opinions. This cannot be combined with the statutory consultation meeting. Representatives of local affected stakeholders can be identified through for example the national organization Hela Sverige Ska Leva. Nearby residents, the affected Sami village and other stakeholders must be given the opportunity to receive information and express their views on the project. Contact must be made with the Sami village in the area to gather information about activities and relevant buildings relevant to reindeer husbandry. Comments received must be reported to SCA and are to be included in the official permit application process for the project.

On SCAs land 2022

  • 685

    Wind turbines
  • 7.2TWh

    Normal annual production
  • 20percent

    of Sweden's total wind power production
  • 200GWh

    Total annual production by SCA owned wind farms