SCA in collaboration with Moelven Pellets AB

Moelven and SCA have a collaboration agreement, where SCA is responsible for the marketing and delivery of the pellets produced by Moelven in Sokna and Karlskoga. Deliveries of at least 40 tons per occasion are offered to companies, industries, and larger consumers. Welcome to contact us at SCA for a delivery proposal!

Moelven produces 160,000 tons of pellets at our two factories. We have chosen to focus on our manufacturing process and have partnered with SCA for sales. This way, we ensure distribution through a strong and knowledgeable player who has a strong position in the market for this type of product.

Staffan Vilhelmsson, CEO Moelven Pellets AB

Moelven Pellets, Valåsen Karlskoga

Pelletsfactory Valåsen Karlskoga

Sokna, Norway

Pelletsfactory, Sokna

Welcome to contact us for pellets deliveries from Moelven!

Jonas Engstrand, Sales and Purchases, Bioenergy

Jonas Engstrand

Sales and Purchases, Bioenergy

+46 90 154179
Per Abrahamsson, Manager Sales and Marketing, Bioenergy

Per Abrahamsson

Manager Sales and Marketing, Bioenergy

Customer service Bioenergy

Customer service Bioenergy

0611-244 26

Submit a request

Request form
Pellets from Valåsen