Discover the possibilities of SCA More

Introducing SCA More: CTMP pulp with exceptional bulk, plus the market's broadest CTMP portfolio, with unmatched customization possibilities.

The new facility, with a 300,000-ton capacity, will establish SCA as a global leader in market CTMP. Our modern mill and access to certified forests with a wide range of versatile fibers, combined with decades of CTMP experience, substantial R&D resources, and close customer collaboration, results in unique fiber competence. Which empowers us to deliver more possibilities for our customers. 

Exceptional bulk properties and lot More

SCA More is world-leading in bulk and the grades can be manufactured with very high brightness levels. Furthermore, our proprietary HT technology provides opportunities to produce pulp qualities with unique properties such as low shives content at high freeness levels.

Our unique bulk provides high bending stiffness in packaging and enables more volume in the end products, allowing our customers to produce lighter products with great quality. Meaning more for less, and increased profitability.

Superb absorption

One of the largest product areas for SCA More is tissue, where the high bulk significantly improves absorption. We've developed a range of customized products tailored to the tissue segment, including SCA More Birch, with its shorter fiber length, resulting in improved formation and enhanced softness. Birch also features naturally lower lignin content, reducing yellowing effects.

Outstanding environmental performance

SCA More is the leading alternative for customers with high environmental demands requiring FSC™ and PEFC certifications (FSC C013162, PEFC/05-33-132) and eco-labels such as the EU Ecolabel and the Nordic Swan.

Our processes fully utilize trees from FSC™ and PEFC-certified forests, primarily harvested for construction wood, often replacing fossil materials like cement. The parts of the tree that cannot be used for the sawmill´s products, such as crowns and smaller trees, become pulp. Additionally, our CTMP pulp process is highly efficient with a wood yield of 90 percent. And thanks to our location in northern Sweden, we also benefit from a dependable supply of green electricity and stand as one of Sweden's leading producers of green energy.

From food-grade approved pulp to isolation

SCA More is highly suitable for a series of different special applications. Some areas where high bulk is appropriate are insulation and other types of products where airy products are manufactured. SCA More also creates new opportunities for food. For many years we have had food-approved spruce grades, but we can also offer birch, with all the opportunities that this versatile raw material provides. SCA More is also well-suited for molded fiber-based trays in the food industry, food process media, or as a growing substrate, such as when cultivating herbs.

More support and customization capabilities

Our extensive expertise, substantial R&D investments and a well-established global market organization empower us to proactively support our customers all over the world. Understanding customer needs with a flexible approach – and always daring to try, is key. We are committed to enhancing your performance, delivering more for less, and fostering the growth of your business. So, whatever you need - from a new product replacing fossil-based plastics, increasing bulk, or just streamlining your production, always expect MORE and by all means, please challenge us!

SCA More in brief

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