For you as a contractor
Here you will find important information from our factories. The purpose is to provide first brief information on general safety rules and what applies in the event of ab accident or emission.
Hardly any workplace can be completely safe, but by planning the work and inventig and preventing the risks, you as an employee can contribute to a safer workplace and a better working environment for yourself, your employees and visitors on our factories.
SSG on Site
We would like to ask everyone who is going to visit SCA Pulp to download the SSG on Site app via Google Play or AppStore, in order to say informed and up-to-date regarding the security of our site.
General rules
Vehicle parking is outside the fenced mill area. Special entry and parking permit is required to park in the area. Parking only at designated parking spot. Road traffic management applies within the mill area. In general, the maximum speed is 20 km/h.
Paths are marked both outdoors and inside the mill. These must be used by pedestrians.
Barriers must be respected. Missing barriers must be immediately reported to the department manager or contact person.
Only personnel from scaffolding companies approved by SCA Pulp may erect scaffolding. Scaffolding must be inspected and approved (signposted) in order to be used. Changes may not be made to erected scaffolding.
Photography and filming
No photographs and filming may be taken in any part of the factory area unless you have been granted special permission to do so. Permission may only be granted by the Mill Manager or his/her deputy.
Port area Östrand
When ships are in port for loading or unloading, a strict ban shall be enforced on unauthorised visitors in the harbour area. The area is guarded by unloading personnel who will escort individuals who do not have permission to be present off the premises.
Wood yard
All pedestrian and vehicle traffic on our wood yard is prohibited.
Water purification
When working in the wastewater treatment plant, respiratory protection with a P3 filter must be used. Legionella may occur. Pregnant woman and people with weakened immune systems may not stay i the area.
Insurance is the supplier's responsibility to take out and maintain insurance cover at adequate amounts for its commitments at SCA. Third party liability insurance should, as a minimum, include the supplier's liability to pay damages under law and any contracts. The terms of the insurance must include liability, product responsibility, responsibility of possession and environmental responsibility.
Arriving to our mills
All visitors and contractors (without a pass card) are required to report to the gate guard. The shift production manager must always be notified in instances where visit or tour takes place outside normal office hours. When carrying out maintenance work, always contact the operations centre controller before starting and after completing work. All personnel working in the soda recovery boiler at Östrand are required to report in whenever they are in the area.
Entry of people and vehicles
Access to our factories requires an access card (entrepreneurs) or visitor badge (visitors). If you must bring in your vehicle, a car pass is also needed. Before you arrive, your contact person must receive your information in advance so that the pass card/visitor badge is ready with the correct validity period when you arrive.
You hand in your access card and any car pass to the porter when you arrive and return it when your mission is finished.
It is important that you notify the client/supervisor if you leave the area, even if it is only temporarily.
Fitering escape mask
Contractors have to bring their own escape mask, such as Dräger Parat 3200, which is approved in accordance to DIN 58647-7 in case of a gas alarm.
IT, networks and computers
The regulations of the company's IT policy must be followed, for example, connections to SCA's network, and all settings on PCs or other equipment, must, without exception, have been pre-approved by the IT department.
Only software approved by the IT department may be used. Contractors are required to clean the areas in which they carry out work after completing their assignment.
Safety routines
Alarm number
Östrand pulp mill: internal 222 or from mobil +46 60 16 42 22
Ortviken pulp mill: internal 224 or from mobil +46 60 19 42 24
Say where you are calling from, who you are and what has happened.
Fire alarm
Fire alarm - alarm bell sounds. If in the factory: Find out why the alarm is sounding in the nearest control room. Evacuate if necessary and proceed to the nearest assembly point.
In the event of an alarm in the office building: Evacuate the premises and proceed to the assembly point.
Gas varning
Evacuation alarms are installed in premises where gas leaks/immediate danger/ explosions may occur. In the event of an alarm (light and sound), the premises must be evacuated immediately. An orange warning light is installed at entrances where gas may form. When this light flashes, do not enter the premises.
General gas alarm (disaster alarm)
Sounds in the event of a release of large quantities of sulphur dioxide gas. The alarm sounds for one minute, followed by a two-minute pause. Once the immediate danger has passed, a continuous signal will sound for 25 seconds.
In the event of an alarm, proceed perpendicular to the wind direction and into the building and find the nearest gas-safe area. These are located:
At Östrand: The c>ontrol rooms in Energy & Recovery, Wet Fibre, TM5 and Cleaning Shop. Conference Room Luna (896) on floor 8 of the office. The ventilation department, the mechanical workshop.
Gas-protected spaces at Ortviken can be found in these premises: Renewcell, Steam plant and ATBn (Dewatering, drying, baling).
Safety information
Helmets and high visibility clothing and eye protection (protective glasses or visor) must be worn in both the mill area and production premises.
Protective shoes must be worn for work in all production premises. Visitors on guided tours are exempt from this requirement.
Ear defenders must be worn in high noise areas (signposted).
Smoking is generally not permitted, except in specially marked smoking areas outdoors.
Alcohol and drugs may not be used in the workplace. You may not enter the workplace under the influence of alcohol or narcotics. Random drug testing will be carried out.
Mobile phones are permitted within the factory area, except in zone-classified ATEX areas, where the use of mobile telephony is prohibited (EX-class tele phones may be used).
Mobile phones may also be used with a certain degree of caution in the vicinity of operation cabinets and electronic equipment such as sensors, mechanical relays, etc.
Sources of radiation are installed in the factory area for measurement purposes. Respect relevant signage and shutdown instructions. Areas where an explosive atmosphere may form must not be entered by visitors.
Visitors may not stay in zoned areas where explosivve atmospheres may occur without permission.
Transports using trucks or other vehicles pass within the industrial area and also within mill premises. Be aware of this!
Paths are marked both outdoors and inside the factory. These must be used by pedestrians.
Barriers must be respected. Missing barriers must be immediately reported to the department manager or contact person.
In some facilities there are gas alarms installed to warn of potential leakage. In case of alarm (red/red alternating flashlight and beep with increasing falling tone), the facility should be immediately emptied.
Evacuation routes in case of fire, gas or other hazards are marked with evacuation symbol.
Gas cylinders
The mill area contains an AGA gas depot where contractors can take/exchange their gas cylinders. If a gas cylinder taken from this depot is to be removed from the area, the vehicle transporting the gas must always have the documentation issued by SCA.
No photographs may be taken in any part of the factory area unless you have been granted special permission to do so. Permission may only be granted by the Production Director or his/her deputy.
Risk inventory
Risk inventory on work order
Before starting your assignment, a written risk inventory may need to be carried out in respect of the work that shall be carried out. This inventory is to be done using a special form in conjunction with your contact person or person appointed by him/her.
All chemicals to be used within the industrial area must first be reported to and approved by the Chemicals Group.
Cleanliness & Tidiness
In order to prevent injury or fire occurring, it is important to maintain a good level of tidiness in the workplace.
Waste, material residues, packaging and other combustible material must be removed as soon as possible. Oil or chemicals spillages must be cleaned up immediately. Contractors are required to clean the areas in which they carry out after completing their assignment.
Source separation of waste
Waste shall be placed in marked vessels in accordance with the following:
Combustible: plastic, Styrofoam, contaminated paper, wood pieces, bituminised paper, etc.
Waste paper: clean paper, cardboard and newspapers.
Metal: aluminium, scrap cable, electrical motors. Scrap metal white = stainless, acid proof. Scrap metal black = scrap iron and other metals.
Unsorted industrial waste: insulation, glass, concrete, brick and suchlike.
Scrap electronics and hazardous waste (such as batteries and solvents) must be placed in the stores.
Safety training – SSG Entré
Before being allowed to work as a contractor in the mill area, you must have taken the web-based safety training course provided by SSG and SSG ENTRÈ ÖSTRAND or SSG ENTRÈ ORTVIKEN.
The training has both a general part and a part that is locally adapted to the special risks and regulations that apply to Östrand or Ortviken depending on which area is relevant.
More information about the training can be obtained from your contact person and on the website.
Incidents and accidents
All incidents and accidents shall be reported to your contact person and entered in SCA Östrand's web-based system for incident reporting.
Emergency showers
Emergency showers are located at many places throughout the mill. The emergency showers have alarms. If you use the emergency showers, always stay until help arrives. Find out where your nearest emergency shower is located before you begin your work. Portable eye rinse (diphotérine) if you have been splashed by corrosive or irritating substances is available for short-term loan.
In the event of a cardiac arrest, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) must begin immediately. State that it is a cardiac arrest when the alarm is raised. Defibrillators are available from production managers/the emergency team.
Chemical releases
If chemicals are released to ground, water or air, immediately inform the gatekeeper on alarm number 222 or mobile 060-16 42 22.
Hot work
A welding permit is required for the entire plant area for all types of hot work. You must also hold a certificate issued by the Swedish Fire Protection Association or equivalent to carry out such work.
Work in enclosed spaces
To ensure that work involving the occurrence of gas is performed safely, a permit is required for such work in enclosed or partially enclosed spaces.
Break and Lock
All controls and shutdown of mechanical and plant parts shall be operated by Östrand personnel at all times. This takes place in accordance with our Break and Lock/Safe shut-down procedure.
You may not begin work on any part of the mill until you have received the go-ahead from operating personnel. Ensure that the shutdown procedure has taken place, that the safety switch is locked, and then lock with your own marked lock.
Trucks and overhead cranes
A training certificate and a written driver's licence from Östrand are required to operate forklift trucks, overhead cranes, boom lifts or work platforms. Submit an application to your contact person.
Östrand pulp mill, SCA Massa AB, Järnvägsgatan, SE-861 81 Timrå
Ortviken pulp mill, SCA Massa AB, Ortviksvägen 80, SE-851 23 Sundsvall
The role of the contact person
The contact person is usually the person who orders work to be performed by a contractor. It is the contact person who is responsible for coordinating with other work being performed by the company that may affect the ordered assignment.
The contact person shall provide information on specific risks to the department, fire safety procedures and the rules for the import, unloading and storage of chemicals and waste management. Refer to the contact person if you have any question about explosive atmospheres or EX classification areas.
Contact your contact person with practical questions about your assignment at Östrand or Ortviken.
The contact person is responsible for and will assist you in obtaining the necessary permits and inspections required for you to safely work.