100 million seedlings from SCA in 2024
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2024 was yet another year of high seedling deliveries from SCA. Nearly 100 million seedlings were delivered to private forest owners and SCA's own forests. "It feels good to be able to contribute with seedlings of high quality that provide good growth in Sweden's forests, and thus significant climate benefits," says Thomas Vestman, head of NorrPlant, SCA's seedling operations.
In 2024, SCA delivered almost 100 million seedlings, which is slightly fewer compared to the previous year.
"It was a good delivery year, despite the prolonged winter. But when summer arrived, it came early in May which put our nurseries in full speed. We see, however, that more and more customers choose to plant in August, which has now become our largest delivery month. That’s good, because it’s perfectly fine to plant well into the autumn," says Thomas Vestman.
More high-refined seedlings

Most of SCA's seedlings are purchased by private forest owners throughout Sweden. The remaining share, about 40 percent, is used in SCA's own forests in both Sweden and the Baltics. The primary tree species that SCA sells is pine, followed by spruce and lodgepole pine. The deliveries of larch seedlings slightly decreased last year.
"On the other hand, our deliveries of high-refined seedlings increased, which come from what we call third-generation seed material. These are seedlings that grow even better, up to 25 percent better, than uncultivated forests. This means that the forest owners get forests that grow better throughout the cycle time," explains Thomas, continuing:
"Also, our deliveries of frozen seedlings were high last year. Last year's initiative to send them directly to customers via shipping companies was successful and continues this year. In fact, we have already sold almost all frozen seedlings for 2025. But if you haven't bought your seedlings for this year's plantations yet, we’ll arrange it."
Every fourth seedling comes from SCA
Around 400 million seedlings are planted in Sweden every year. SCA's extensive deliveries mean that almost every fourth seedling planted in Sweden comes from SCA.
"I am proud that we have the power to make a difference and contribute to more forest in Sweden. Our seedlings are the engine in SCA's climate benefits. First, they bind carbon dioxide while they grow, and when harvested eventually, they provide sustainable wood raw material for a variety of products."
SE-seedlings and seed extraction
In 2024, SCA became part-owner in the SE-technology and the pilot facility developed and operated by SweTree Technologies in Umeå.
"With SE-technology, somatic embryogenesis, you can quickly and efficiently produce more seedlings. Just one single seed can give rise to many embryos, which then are cultivated into new seedlings. Getting the best possible plant material is extremely important. It’s about creating forests that grow well and withstand the future climate without damage," says Niklas Borgh, a breeding specialist at NorrPlant.
Last year, SCA also invested in seed extraction. Using an in-house developed kiln and seed separator, SCA can now dry process cones to extract seeds from their own pine plantations. Seed extraction cones means to make get the cones to open up and release the seeds. It may sound simple but requires a quality-assured working method to avoid damaging the valuable seeds.
“We are learning more and more and are gradually increasing the proportion of seed extraction. In this way, we both increase our competence and create winter employment in our otherwise highly seasonal business," says Thomas, concluding:
"I look forward to yet another exciting seedling year, where we continue to optimize our production and deliver quality seedlings to the country's forest owners."
Photo: Michael Engman