SCA contributes to the restoration of Rörströmsälven

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Since 2021, SCA has been involved in the extensive EU project Ecostreams for LIFE, which aims to restore watercourses in Västerbotten, Västernorrland, and Jämtland. During the spring, SCA has replaced ten fish migration barriers in Rörströmsälven, Jämtland.

Ecostreams for LIFE will continue until 2026 and aims to restore over 140 kilometers of watercourse stretches and create at least 470 spawning grounds for fish. The work also includes restoring adjacent wetlands and addressing fish migration barriers. These measures benefit, among others, the freshwater pearl mussel and improve the ability for fish, otters, and other aquatic animals to move freely between different parts of the watercourses.

The project is led by the county administrative boards in each region, and SCA, as a landowner, is actively engaged in the project alongside other participants.

“During the spring, we have worked with our contractor to address ten fish migration barriers in Rörströmsälven. This involved removing old round culverts and replacing them with so-called arch culverts," says Cathrine Jonsson, responsible for management at SCA and adds:

“Arch culverts are half-tubes through which the stream can flow unobstructed, allowing fish to move freely in the watercourses. With arch culverts, we maintain the natural riverbed, and there is no waterfall at the end of the culvert.”

Other measures carried out in the river as part of the Ecostreams for LIFE project include creating spawning grounds for fish, restoring habitat for specific species, and enhancing the population of freshwater pearl mussels.

“It’s exciting to contribute to healthy watercourses that flow through our forests,’ concludes Cathrine. Ecostreams for LIFE is the largest water conservation project of its kind, and naturally, we want to participate wherever we can. The next watercourse where we will take actions is Ammerån.”


Photo: Cathrine Jonsson/SCA


Facts about Rörströmsälven

Read about Ecostreams for LIFE