A seedling.

Share capital

Since 1993, the share capital and the number of shares have increased through events such as new issues, conversions and splits. A detailed review of the development of the share capital can be found in the file below.

Development of share capital

Year  Event  No. of shares Increase in share capital, SEKm Cash payment, SEKm
1993 Number of shares January 1, 1993 172,303,839    
1993  Conversion of debentures and new subscription through Series 1 warrants 4,030,286 40.3 119.1
  New issue 1:10, issue price SEK 80 17,633,412 176.3 1,410.7
1994 Conversion of debentures 16,285 0.2 -
1995 Conversion of debentures 3,416,113 34.2 -
1999  New issue 1:6, issue price SEK 140 32,899,989 329.0 4,579.0
2000  Conversion of debentures 101,631 1.0 15.0
2001  New issue, private placement 1,800,000 18.0 18.0
2002  New subscription through IIB warrants 513  - 0.1
2003  Conversion of debentures 1,127,792 11.3 288.4
  New subscription through IIB warrants  1,697,683 17.0 434.5
2004  Conversion of debentures 9,155 0.1 1.1
2007  Split 3:1 470,073,396 -
2017  Cancellation of own shares –2,767,605 -
2024  Number of shares, December 31, 2024 702,342,489