Board of Directors and Group Management
Below you will find information about SCA's Board of Directors and Group Management. The information which includes own and related parties' holdings of shares refers to the situation on December 31, 2024, with changes thereafter known to the company.
Board of Directors

Helena Stjernholm
Chairman of the Board
- Born
- 1970
- Elected
- 2024
- Appointed
- 2024
- B-shares
- 7,000
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- MSc BA.
President and CEO of AB Industrivärden since 2015. Member of the Board of AB Industrivärden, AB Volvo, Sandvik AB and the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise. Former Member of the Board of Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson, partner and investment manager at IK Partners and management consultant at Bain & Company.
Independent of the company and its management.

Åsa Bergman
- Born
- 1967
- Elected
- 2022
- B-shares
- 2,261
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- MSc Eng
Other assignments:
President and CEO of Sweco AB. Member of the Board of Securitas AB. Former Member of the Board of Swegon AB and AB Persson Invest and former executive positions in the Sweco group.
Independent of the company’s management and SCA’s major shareholders.

Lennart Evrell
- Born
- 1954
- Elected
- 2017
- B-shares
- 4,000
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- MSc Eng., Econ.
Other assignments:
Chairman of the Board of SSAB. Member of the Board of Epiroc. Former Member of the Board of ICA, the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise and the Swedish Association of Industrial Employers. Former President and CEO of Boliden, Sapa and Munters.
Independent of the company, corporate management and SCA’s major shareholders.

Annemarie Gardshol
- Born
- 1967
- Elected
- 2015
- B-shares
- 6,200
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- MSc Eng.
Other assignments:
President and CEO of PostNord Group AB. Member of the Board of Essity AB. Former President of PostNord Sverige AB, President of PostNord Strålfors Group AB and various management positions in PostNord and Gambro AB as well as management consultant at McKinsey & Company.
Independent of the company, corporate management and SCA’s major shareholders.

Carina Håkansson
- Born
- 1961
- Elected
- 2021
- B-shares
- 9,100
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- BSc Forestry
Other assignments:
Member of the Board of Vasaloppet, Dala Energi, Inlandsbanan and Chairman of IVA’s section VIII. Former Member of the Board of AFRY AB, Chairman of ÅForsk, President of the Swedish Forest Industries Federation 2013-2020, President of DalaKraft 2009-2013 and President of Stora Enso Skog 2004-2009.
Independent of the company, its management and major shareholders.

Ulf Larsson
President and CEO, SCA, acting President Containerboard and Pulp
- Born
- 1962
- Elected
- 2017
- A-shares
- 26,000
- B-shares
- 100,000
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- BSc Forestry
- Employed since: 1992
Other assignments:
President and CEO of Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget SCA. Member of the Board of the Swedish Forest Industries, Alleima and CEPI. Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences and the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry. Former President of SCA Forest Products AB 2008-2017 and Executive Vice President of SCA 2016-2017.
Independent of SCA’s major shareholders.

Martin Lindqvist
- Born
- 1962
- Elected
- 2017
- B-shares
- 4,000
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- BSc Econ
Other assignments:
Chairman of the Board of Swiss Steel. Chairman of SKGS. Former President and CEO of SSAB and executive positions at, among others, NCC.
Independent of the company, corporate management and SCA’s major shareholders

Anders Sundström
- Born
- 1952
- Elected
- 2018
- B-shares
- 12,000
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- Academic studies in Economics and Politics
Other assignments:
Chairman of the Board of SkiStar AB, Kaunis Holding, Ekhaga Utveckling AB and Nordion Energi AB. Former Chairman of the Board of Swedbank and KF. Many years of operational experience in industry as well as the financial sector, among other things as President of Folksam. Has held several ministerial posts and other political assignments.
Independent of the company, corporate management and SCA’s major shareholders.

Barbara Milian Thoralfsson
- Born
- 1959
- Elected
- 2006
- B-shares
- 10,000
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Other assignments:
Chairman of the board of Exclusive Networks SA. Member of the Boards of Essity AB and Hilti AG. Member of Advisory Board SpareBank 1 Markets. Former President of NetCom ASA 2001-2005 and President of Midelfart & Co AS 1995-2000. Former member of the Boards of AB Electrolux, Telenor ASA, Cable & Wireless Plc, Orkla ASA and Tandberg ASA and G4S Plc and Industry advisor to EQT.
Independent of the company, corporate management and SCA’s major shareholders.
Employee representatives

Niclas Andersson
- Born
- 1974
- Appointed
- 2021
- B-shares
- 30
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- Chairman GS Union, SCA Wood Scandinavia AB, Tunadal
- Member of LO

Roger Boström
- Born
- 1971
- Appointed
- 2013
- B-shares
- 55
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- Chairman Swedish Paper Workers Union dept. 167 at SCA Pulp AB, Östrand Pulp Mill, Timrå
- Member of LO

Maria Jonsson
- Born
- 1966
- Appointed
- 2017
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- Chairman Unionen, SCA staff functions
- Member of PTK
Fredrik Norrman
Chief Auditor, Chartered Accountant
Board secretary

Sofia Haga
Senior Vice President Legal Affairs & General Counsel
- B-shares
- 400
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- Master of Laws
- Employed since: 2022
Deputy members

Stefan Lundkvist
- Born
- 1977
- Appointed
- 2017
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- Chairman Swedish Paper Workers Union dept. 158, SCA Munksund
- Member of LO

Malin Marklund
- Born
- 1986
- Appointed
- 2022
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- Chairman GS Union SCA Munksund sawmill
- Member of PTK

Peter Olsson
- Born
- 1975
- Appointed
- 2021
- B-shares
- 1,240
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- Chairman Ledarna, SCA Obbola AB
- Member of PTK
Group Management

Ulf Larsson
President and CEO, SCA, acting President Containerboard and Pulp
- Born
- 1962
- Elected
- 2017
- A-shares
- 26,000
- B-shares
- 100,000
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- BSc Forestry
- Employed since: 1992
Other assignments:
President and CEO of Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget SCA. Member of the Board of the Swedish Forest Industries, Alleima and CEPI. Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences and the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry. Former President of SCA Forest Products AB 2008-2017 and Executive Vice President of SCA 2016-2017.
Independent of SCA’s major shareholders.

Stina Danielsson
Senior Vice President, Human Resources
- B-shares
- 7,806
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- BA
- Senior Vice President, Human Resources
- Employed since: 2005

Anders Edholm
Senior Vice President Sustainability and Communications
- B-shares
- 4,300
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- Degree of Bachelor of Science in Military Studies
- Employed since: 2021

Andreas Ewertz
- B-shares
- 4,226
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- M.Sc. Industrial Engineering and Management
- Employed since: 2017

Sofia Haga
Senior Vice President Legal Affairs & General Counsel
- B-shares
- 400
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- Master of Laws
- Employed since: 2022

Kristina Enander
Senior Vice President, Strategic Development
- A-shares
- 792
- B-shares
- 15,531
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- M.Eng.
- Employed since 1993

Mikael Källgren
President, Renewable Energy
- B-shares
- 5,482
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- BSc Energy
- Employed since: 2015

Jerry Larsson
President, Wood
- B-shares
- 10,000
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- M.Eng, MBA
- Employed since 2003

Jonas Mårtensson
President, Forest
- B-shares
- 32,394
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- M.Eng.
- Employed since: 2005

Magnus Svensson
President, Sourcing & Logistics
- A-shares
- 27,500
- B-shares
- 42,880
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- M.Eng.
- Employed since: 1993