A tree on a headland.

Board and committee work

The Board of Directors has overall responsibility for the company’s organization and administration through regular monitoring of the business and by ensuring the appropriateness of the organization, management team, guidelines and internal control. The Board approves strategies and targets, and decides on major investments, acquisitions and divestments of operations.

In accordance with the decision of the AGM, the Board of Directors shall comprise ten members elected by the Annual General Meeting with no deputies. In addition, Board members shall include three members and three deputies appointed by the employees.

SCA Board of Directors and Group Management

Audit Committee

The tasks of the Audit Committee, which is not authorised to make decisions, include monitoring financial reporting and the efficiency of the company's internal control, internal audit and risk management. The committee keeps itself informed on the audit, reviews and monitors the impartiality and independence of the auditors, and contributes proposals for the AGM's election of auditors.

The Audit Committee consists of Barbara Milian Thoralfsson, chairman, Helena Stjernholm and Martin Lindqvist.

Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee, which is not authorised to make decisions, drafts the Board's motions in issues relating to remuneration principles, remuneration and other terms and conditions of employment for the company's chief executive officer and have authorisation in these matters for the company's other senior executives. The committee monitors and assesses programmes for variable remuneration, the application of the AGM's resolution on guidelines for remuneration of senior executives and the applicable remuneration structure and remuneration levels in the Group.

The Renumeration Committee consists of Helena Stjernholm, chairman, Anders Sundström and Lennart Evrell.

Internal audit

The internal audit is a separate function with the task of evaluating and improving efficiency in SCA's internal governance and control, as well as its risk management. The function reports to the Audit Committee and the Board regarding internal audit matters and to the CFO with respect to other matters. The function examines, among other aspects, SCA's internal processes for ordering, invoicing, purchasing and financial reporting, IT systems, compliance with SCA's policies, including its Code of Conduct, HR issues and various types of projects. The function also cooperates with the Internal Control function.

Remuneration to the Board of Directors

The 2024 Annual General Meeting decided that total fees paid to Board members should be distributed as follows:

Board Chairman: SEK 2,145,000

Other Board members (elected by the Annual General Meeting and not employees of the company) SEK 715,000

In addition members of the Audit Committees receive fees as follows:

Committee Chairman: SEK 410,000

Other Audit Committee members: SEK 290,000

The Remuneration Committee members

Committee Chairman: SEK 145,000

Other members: SEK 125,000