Tjäderberget Conservation Park
Tjäderberget Conservation Park in Västerbotten is quite hilly with four large peaks. Here are beautiful deciduous woodland, pine-dominated stands of varying ages as well as marshy woodland and woodland streams.
Tjäderberget covers 1,303 hectares and is located 25 kilometers southwest of Lycksele in the Municipality of Vindeln. The park borders the Tjäderberget Nature Reserve. The Västerbotten County Administrative Board has designated the area one of the three most valuable deciduous woodland areas in the county, since many unusual species have been discovered in the area linked specifically to deciduous trees.
The park's woodlands boast high nature conservation values and some remnants from earlier settlements.

Beautiful pine forests
The area is quite hilly with four large peaks surrounding the lake Inre Kroksjön that slope steeply toward marshy and lakeside areas in certain places. Currently, the forests mainly comprise a mix of older stands (older than 80) and young stands (younger than 40). The older forest primarily comprises pine-dominated stands and broadleaf-dominated mixed forests.
The forests in the park are very valuable for many red-listed insects that are dependent on pine and deciduous trees. The park is also home to the lesser spotted woodpecker, the three-toed woodpecker and the Eurasian Wryneck and numerous red-listed species of fungi, moss and lichens.

To promote the nature conservation values in the park, SCA will increase the proportion of deciduous woodland, set controlled burns, actively create dead wood and leave certain areas to evolve freely, among other activities.
The park in figures
- 1,303 hectares total, of which app 960 hectares are productive forest land
- 550 hectares are managed for preserve or develop nature consideration values
- The forests consist of 66% pine, 12% spruce, 15 % deciduous trees and 7% Pinus contorta (Lodgepole pine).
- 23% of the forests has high conservation values.
- 36% of the forests har an average age of 90 years, or older.
SCA test alternative harvesting method
During the winter 2022, SCA and the Swedish Forest Agency in Västerbotten tried a variation of group selection harvesting in Tjäderberget Conservation Park. The aim is to retain the feeling of a forest after harvesting and avoiding large treeless areas. From above, the site looks like a large chess board with forested patches alternated with small harvested areas.

What to do
- The park contains remnants from the Sjölunda settlement, where there once stood a "Västerbottensgård," a farmhouse typical of Västerbotten County. A small, simple cabin with a stove and four beds is open for visitors who want to spend the night.
- An old tar pile that bear witness to former utilization of the forest.
- Five ponds and two lakes. The water in the lakes is extremely clear and tastes like fresh spring water.
- Dead and living trees with fire scar. Some forests have been under fire nine time during the last 440 years.

- A 2 km long nature trail runs around Spolberget, which largely goes through forest that has been untouched for a long time. There are many environments here where red-listed species thrive.
- From Sjölunda, you can walk a 600 m long path along the lake Inre Kroksjön, which leads to the place where there was once a chalet.
- When you enter the park from E12, there is a leaf-dominated forest with a path around Lövknösen, which, among other things, goes through a gray alder forest. The forest extends over approximately 5 hectares and is valuable for hazel grouse and various small birds.
How to get here
Tjäderberget is located 25 km southeast of Lycksele, on the border between Lycksele and Vindeln municipality. You reach the park via the E12.
GPS: 64.442 19.054