Forest view från Sörgraninge

Sörgraninge Conservation Park

Sörgraninge Conservation Park in Ångermanland is highly diverse with demarcated mountain groups and a multitude of marshes and lakes. The park offers a wide variety natural habitats, including high-conservation-value forests and is also rich in cultural remains from times gone and exciting hiking opportunities.

Sörgraninge conservation park consist of 3.147 hectares.  These include high-conservation-value forests and cultural relics from times gone by. The park lies in south-eastern Ångermanland, south of Graninge Lake, beside Road 331, which runs between Graninge and Bergeforsen. During 2021, SCA expanded the Sörgraninge Conservation Park to include the Hornsjömon and Hornsjöbäcken valley. The area is of particular interest for its high geological values and biodiversity, and is also rich in ancient and cultural remains. 

One of the ideas behind SCA's conservation parks is to strengthen existing conservation values. This conservation park achieves this aim by, for example, linking five nature reserves.

bjursjömyren wetland

Multitude of habitats 

The landscape of the park is highly diverse with demarcated mountain groups and a multitude of marshes and lakes. The natural assets include a fertile woodland stream, a high-elevation conifer forest with heavy lichen growth, fire-affected pine forest, sand pine scrub and deciduous forest. The park therefore offers a multitude of habitats for mosses, lichens, fungi, insects and animals. These include high-conservation-value forests and cultural relics from times gone by.

the stream Hornsjöbäcken

Despite many felling operations over the past decades, there are still large core areas of natural forest which, to varying degrees, are linked by corridors along winding streams and rivers. There is great potential for further conservation development.

The flora and fauna in our forests have adapted to living in forests with natural disturbances such as storms, floods and, not least, fires. Therefore, in many places, we want to imitate the natural processes that used to occur in the forest. As a result, we are conducting controlled conservation burnings in certain areas, actively create new dead wood and actively damage trees to remind of fire damage. Large areas will also be left to develop freely.

Sörgraninge conservation park is easily accessible to visitors and offers great opportunities for outdoor recreation. There are several beautiful and exciting hiking paths and trails, and an array of good fishing waters (it requires a fishing permit).

The park in figures

  • 3,147 hectares total
  • 2,670 hectares forest land 
  • 1,697 hectares are managed for preserve or develop nature consideration values 
  • 211 hectares of wetlands, 187 hectares of lakes, 8 hectares mountains, 67 hectares other 
  • 995 hectares of the forests has high conservation values. 

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