View from Njurundakusten

Njurundakusten Conservation Park

Njurundakusten Conservation Park in Medelpad is characterized by a long undeveloped stretch of coastline, lagoons, flower-rich shore meadows, pine forests, wetlands, alder swamp and shingles. The park features many cultural heritage values including Galtström Ironworks.

Swans at Lörudden

Njurundakusten Conservation Park comprises 2,300 hectares. It lies in the Municipality of Sundsvall, along the southern Medelpad coastline. It comprises an elongated and sometimes narrow area along the southern Medelpad coastline.

The park stretches from Junibosand in the north, past Lörudden and Galtström in the south, all the way down to Oxsand on the Hälsingland border. The park is adjacent to two marine nature reserves, Salen and Långören.

Coast and forest

The post-glacial land uplift in the area has meant that many bays have been cut off and transformed into fresh water environments. Other bays are gradually being cut off and are currently lagoons. The area also features flower-rich shore meadows, pine forests, wetlands, alder swamp and shingles.

Large areas of forest in the Parkshow marked signs of human activity, since people have lived and farmed the forest here for a long time. 

The Park contains valuable flora and is rich in birdlife, due to an abundance of shallow bays and islands that offer important resting and breeding sites. Animals also thrive in the area, such as large and small newts, grass snakes, sea eagles, frogs and toads.

There are also many cultural heritage values such as ancient monuments, the fishing village at Lörudden and the ironworks environment at Galtström.

The park in figures

2,300 hectares in total

1,711 hectares of productive forest land

1,036 are managed to preserve or develop natural values

8% of the forests have high nature values

5% of the forests have an average age of over 90 years

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Veteranisation helps endangered species

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