Forest view från Nietsak-Peltovaara

Nietsak-Peltovaara Conservation Park

Nietsak-Peltovaara Conservation Park in Norrbotten has a lot of old forests. Here you can find exciting values linked to both the Sami culture and early tourism in the area.

Nietsak-Peltovaara conservation park comprises a total of 3,100 hectares. SCA's goal with the park is to preserve and enhance the natural and cultural values ​​found here. For example, we have felled pine trees with the aim of creating dead wood to mimic the effects that a forest fire has on the trees and cleared trees around an old tar valley and marked different paths.

View over the park

A variety of forests

Nietsak-Peltovaara is on either side of road E45. The Peltovaara and Akkavaara mountains are dominated by pine forests on healthy land. Here, forest fires have ravaged extensively and most of the trees in the older forest have grown up after a fire in 1848. Here, among other things, there is a living pine that is over 560 years old.

The park also has younger pine and birch-dominated stands as well as plenty of swamp forests. The majority of the forest is mixed coniferous forests of different ages that have been affected by dimensional felling, that is, fellings that were carried out a long time ago where the thickest trees were removed, usually without subsequent measures to create new forest.

The park has high natural conservation values ​​and rare species are found here. Among other things, Cladonia parasitica and Sclerophora coniophaea have been found. Both are lichens that can hardly be seen with an eye.

Nietsak-Peltovaara conservation park is special in many ways, not least because of the commitment shown to it by the local inhabitants of the area. As part of its involvement, SCA collaborates with the Gellivare folklore society, the Gällivare branch of the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, the Swedish Forest Agency, Gällivare Municipality and Norrbotten's ornithological society. The management of the area is carried out in collaboration with these players.

The park in figures

  • 3,100 hectares
  • 1,250 hectares of productive forest land, of which 300 is forest for timber production
  • 900 hectares are left untouched or managed for developing natural conservation values
  • 60 percent of the forests are older than 120 years


An exciting focal point of the part is Abborrträsk, a settlement from 1757 located beside the lake of the same name. The buildings and the surrounding land have been owned by the Gällivare folklore society since 1990, when they were taken over from SCA.

The buildings and the surrounding land have been owned since 1990 by the Gellivare folklore society, which then took over ownership from SCA. However, SCA supports with various resources, for example that the meadows can be managed with mowers or the fence around the homestead can be fixed.

Abborrträsk is part of Natura 2000, which is a network of selected natural environments, which are considered to be the most valuable environments in Europe.

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