SCA's conservation parks
Welcome to visit our five conservation parks in northern Sweden. These areas are distinguished by a higher degree of diversity than the forest landscape in general. With our parks, we are continuing our efforts to develop forestry and ensure even greater resilience and sustainability from all perspectives.

Our parks are areas characterized by greater diversity than the forest landscape in general. The parks comprise landscape sections of between 1,300 and over 3,000 hectares. A large part of the productive forest land area is set aside or used with methods that particularly protect natural, cultural or social values . Here we can develop the work with nature conservation in a landscape perspective.
Consideration of nature and cultural values comprises an integral part of all of the various actions carried out as part of our forest management activities. Consideration can take on many different shapes, from saving a single tree to setting aside large areas of forest or the prescribed burning of forests.
In the parks, there are good opportunities for outdoor activities and other experiences. In our parks, we take many different measures to reinforce existing values and to create new ones. We also highlight cultural-historical and recreational values.
Linking to nature reserves
Consideration of natural and cultural values is an important part of all the measures we carry out in our forestry. Consideration can look different, from us saving individual trees to setting aside large areas or burning forests for nature conservation. Today, it is a problem for some species that live in the forest because their habitats are too scattered in the landscape, which makes it difficult for them to spread and move between areas. In addition, the surface area of the individual areas is often small. With our diversity parks, we can counteract this problem. Most of our parks are linking to nature reserves, which further enhances the natural values.
With our parks, we want to broaden our knowledge and gladly share it with others. An important part of the work to develop the parks is the regular dialogue that we have with various stakeholders who are involved in the parks, for example authorities, local community associations, ornithological associations and local nature conservation associations.
In the parks, we also allow researchers and others to conduct studies that are not possible in, for example, nature reserves. We can then apply the knowledge and experience we acquire in our parks in other forests.
The hope is that the parks will provide visitors with interesting experiences and SCA with know-how that it can deploy in its operations outside the parks.
Our conservation parks
Here is more information for each park. You can find facts about the forest and interesting places to visit.

Nietsak-Peltovaara conservation park in Norrbotten has a lot of old forests and also younger pine and birch-dominated stands as well as plenty of swamp forests. The park offers interesting values linked to both the Sami culture and early tourism in the area.

Tjäderberget Conservation Park in Västerbotten is quite hilly with four large peaks. Here are beautiful deciduous woodland, pine-dominated stands of varying ages as well as marshy woodland and woodland streams.

Sörgraninge Conservation Park in Ångermanland is highly diverse with forests, demarcated mountain groups and a multitude of marshes and lakes. The park is also rich in cultural remains from times gone and exciting hiking opportunities.

Märlingsberget Conservation Park in Jämtland contains beautiful pine forests and numerous small lakes, bogs and streams. There are many hiking trails, nice view-points and traces of those who once used the forest for its living.

Njurundakusten Conservation Park in Medelpad is mostly characterized by a long undeveloped stretch of coastline, lagoons, flower-rich shore meadows, pine forests, wetlands, alder swamp and shingles. The park features many cultural heritage values including Galtström Ironworks.