Raw material sources

SCA’s sources for raw materials are a balance between raw materials from our own forests, purchases from other forest owners and a smaller share of imports. Wood procurement is concentrated in northern Sweden, which enables us to have strong control over harvesting locations and conservation values. All wood raw materials we use must come from responsibly managed forests.

All wood raw materials SCA uses must come from responsibly managed forests. We are working to maximize the proportion of raw materials coming from FSC® or PEFC certified forests. All purchased raw materials that are delivered to us must meet at least the FSC standards for Controlled Wood. Controlled wood is timber that does not come from controversial sources under the FSC Controlled Wood and PEFC Controlled Sources standards.

Our raw material sources

  • From our own forests
  • Chips from own sawmills
  • Local purchases from private forest owners
  • Central purchases from forest companies and forest owner associations

SCA actively abstains from illegally harvested wood raw materials

We do not purchase raw materials from forests with high conservation values, or where harvesting occurs in conflict with traditional customary rights and human rights.

FSC's rules for controlled wood prohibit

  • illegally harvested timber,
  • timber harvested in violation of traditional and human rights,
  • wood from forests with threatened high conservation values,
  • wood from forests with genetically modified trees as well as
  • timber from large-scale conversion of forest to plantation or other land use.

Raw material in our production

SCA’s production facilities used 10.7 million cubic meters of wood raw material in 2021. Almost all of the raw material flow (more than 95%) was from Sweden. The remaining raw material was from the Baltic States (4.5%) and Finland, Norway and Denmark (0.4%).

The main part consist of spruce (Picea abies) and pine (Pinus sylvestris). A minor part consist of Contorta pine (Pinus contorta) and other tree species.

Instruction for sourcing of wood raw material

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Guidelines for the environmental work at SCA Skog

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