Hylosafe® is SCA's own environmentally friendly plant protection that effectively stops weevils. It works as well as chemical protection.
Each year, weevils damage young plants to the tune of hundreds of millions of kroner. That is why we have developed Hylosafe®, our new long-acting, environmentally friendly protection against weevils. By treating the plants with the effective protection, the plants are left in peace.
This is how Hylosafe works

Hylosafe consists of a mixture of sand and binders, that is, substances that do not harm the environment. We treat the lower part of the plant with Hylosafe before delivery and ensure that at least 80 percent of the stem's circumference is covered by the mixture. This gives the plant a good protection. The weevils find it uncomfortable to have Hylosafe in their mouths when they rub, and therefore let the plants be left alone.
Hylosafe is long-term, and has a protective effect that lasts for up to two seasons. It increases the forest owners' chance of having a good rejuvenation, with plants that survive and can grow up to new forests.
Thorough testing
The work to develop Hylosafe has been going on for a few years and the protection has been thoroughly tested by both us at NorrPlant and by SLU, Sweden's University of Agriculture. The tests show that Hylosafe is one of the best protections on the market and minimally affects the plant's growth.
On its own land, SCA only uses Hylosafe-treated plants, not chemically treated plants.

The weevil causes extensive damage
The weevil is a damage insect that causes major problems for newly planted plants. The weevil eats the bark on the plants, which makes the plants difficult to survive.
The weevil attacks cost the forestry several hundred million Swedish crowns each year.