Environmental consideration

Environmental consideration is a natural part in our forestry. It encompasses; nature conservation consideration, cultural heritage consideration, consideration to recreation and outdoor life together with consideration to reindeer operations.

Three levels of nature conservation

No matter what we do in the forest – for example harvesting, pre-commercial thinning or thinning – nature conservation must always play a central role. Nature conservation comprises three levels: conservation areas, conservation patches and conservation objects.

Conservation area

Conservation areas

Conservation areas are areas bigger than 1.0 hectare (ha) that will be managed for conservation. Conservation management regimes prescribed may be setting aside for free development, postponement of final felling, or alternative treatment regimes. Conservation areas, typically, have high conservation values, e.g. virgin like forests, old stands rich in broadleaves and various types of swamp forests.


Conservation patches

Conservation patches encompass buffer zones, wet hollows, outcrops of bedrock, steep rocky slopes etc. that have been set aside in connection to harvesting operations. These patches range in size from about 0.1 to 1.0 ha.

Conservation objects

Conservation objects

Conservation objects may be single trees, groups of trees, high stumps, lying dead trees, smaller wet hollows etc. The area of a conservation object is no more than 0.1 ha (33*33 m).

Illustrations: Martin Holmer

Nature consideration in final fellings and thinning

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Nature conservation in other forest operations

Cultural environment considerations

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Consideration of recreation and outdoor life

Consideration to reindeer operations

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