SCA's forests

The forest is the core for SCA's operations. Our forests are managed long-term with the ambition to both produce more valuable raw materials and preserve and develop other values in the forest. Our goal is to have at least as much timber, biodiversity and nature experiences in our forests in the future as today.

SCA is Europe’s largest private forest owner with 2.6 million hectares of forest land in Northern Sweden and approximately 70,000 hectares in the Baltics. We have a long tradition of caring for and cultivating the forest and have a great responsibility for how we carry out our forestry measures.

Our responsible forestry combines high production of valuable renewable raw material with extensive consideration to the forest's other values – biodiversity, reindeer husbandry, ancient and cultural remains, experiences and much more. At the same time, our forests, and the sustainable products that come from them, make an important contribution to the development of a fossil-free society.

Long-term landscape perspective 

Looking at a tree

When we plan how our forests are to be managed, we work long-term and with a landscape perspective where we look at our forests over large geographical areas. In this way, we can effectively create different values in different areas of our forests. We call the working method landscape ecological planning. Forests with high natural values are exempted from forestry or managed so that the natural values are enhanced, while the growth of raw materials is a major focus in other areas.

The development and preservation of biodiversity in SCA’s forests is the most important environmental target in the management of our forests. All flora and fauna found in our forests must have the conditions to live there in the future as well. This means that there must be a variety of habitats in our forests, and we work both to preserve and recreate habitats for species with special requirements.

Nature conservation is a natural part of the way we manage the forests – also in forests that do not possess any particular conservation values. This means that nature conservation is always part of our forest operations, such as regeneration harvesting, thinning, fertilization, soil scarification, pre-commercial thinning, and forest road construction.

A sustainable future

A responsible and active forest management has resulted in SCA having well-managed forests, which contribute to biodiversity as well as conservation and recreational values, while in parallel the standing volume is growing in the forest and an increasing volume of renewable raw material can be harvested.

Growing forests bind carbon dioxide and thus counteract climate change. The forests then provide us with renewable raw material that we and our customers use to manufacture sustainable products that can replace products with a greater climate impact.

We are proud of the forestry that we have developed into what it is today. As we gain new knowledge, we continue to develop in order to become even better. With the force of the forest, we contribute to a sustainable future.

SCA's forests and forestry

Read more about our forest holdings and how we care for them. You are always welcome to visit our forests and enjoy some nice destinations.

Facts & figures 2023

  • 2.7million hectares

    forest holdings
  • 2million hectares

    productive forest land
  • 5million cu.m

    annual harvest SCA's Swedish forest
  • 20,000hectares

    thinning in SCA's Swedish forest
  • 58,900hectares

    silviculture SCA's Swedish forest
  • 99.4million

    seedling deliveries

SCA's map tool

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Forest & climate

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SCA in the Baltics