SCA offers hunting privileges to thousands of hunters each year.
Hunting for moose as well as such small game as hare, grouse and capercaillie offers exceptional nature experiences. At the same time, hunting for moose and other cloven-hoofed game is a necessity to avoid overpopulation.
A much too large population of moose results in serious grazing damage to the young pine forests and can also become a nature conservation problem. Mountain ash and birch in certain areas are grazed so heavily by moose that there is a risk that they will disappear, which in turn threatens other species dependent upon these trees.
Hunting policy
Hunting on SCA's land:
- is an integral part of forest management
- shall be conducted in compliance with the long-term silviculture and nature conservation goals through developing and thinning out game populations in balance with food supplies for conserving biological diversity and valuable forest production
- shall be carried out by well-trained hunters in accordance with prevailing hunting laws, SCA hunting rules and good hunting ethics
- is a significant recreation source for many people
- shall be based on trustful and long-term cooperation with hunters and their interest organizations.
Employees within the company and local business contacts are prioritised in granting hunting privileges. Thereafter, as many as possible are offered to hunt in accordance with a specific priority. SCA supports recruitment of young hunters, whereby they are given priority.
Hunting permission
SCA's ambition is to offer hunting to as many people as possible. However, there is a limit to how much hunting our land can support. Too many hunters in one area can adversely affect the quality of hunting.
The following priority applies to hunting on SCA's land when demand exceeds availability:
1. SCA Skog employees.
2. Local residents who have good and long-standing connections with the company.
3. Companies, organizations and individuals with whom SCA Skog has a business or any other type of relationship.
4. Other SCA Group employees.
5. External parties.
Young hunters
SCA believes that young people should be encouraged to take up hunting, in order to recruit hunters in the future. As a result, we support licensed hunting parties on SCA's land to encourage and involve young people who are interested in the activity, and provide opportunities for them to develop an interest in hunting and the natural environment.
SCA's general hunting rules
Read SCA’s general hunting rules. Hunting should be conducted in accordance with the laws and regulations that apply in hunting legislation. All hunting should be characterized by good ethics. Hunting should be carried out by well-trained hunters with good judgment and be based on cooperation between hunting teams, other landowners, and hunting organizations to achieve the set goals.

Buy cards for fishing and small game hunting
Visit our webshop to buy day card for fishing and small game hunting.