
SCA has various scholarships that you can apply for.

SCA's Academic Scholarship

The scholarship is aimed at students studying natural science, technical and design courses and taking their degree from Mid Sweden University in Sundsvall. The number of scholarship holders depends on applications and the assessment from the preparation group.

Application period is during a certain period each year. All scholarship holders can receive a maximum of SEK 25,000 per person and scholarship. For the first type of scholarship, you can apply once or twice, where SEK 25,000 applies per occasion.

Applications for Scholarship 2025 are open from May to mid-June, more information will be found here. 

Target groups, application and payment

Target group 1: Master of Science in Engineering

The scholarship is awarded to a student whose independent work/examination project at bachelor's level has a clear connection to SCA's operations. A requirement before applying is that the student has achieved 150 credits within the Master of Science in Engineering education at the time of application.

Part 1: The application must contain an approved and attached work, and a justification that describes the connection of the work to SCA's operations. Follow-up of the application takes place in June of the same year. It consists of a written reflection on whether the finished work achieved the connection to SCA's operations that was specified in the application. The reflection must be clearly linked to the pages in the report that the applicant believes strengthens the connection. The independent report is attached. Selection of final candidates takes place in August/September, after which SCA makes a final selection of the scholarships.

Part 2: The scholarship can also be applied for again, when the student has graduated from Mid Sweden University. It can therefore be applied for on one or two occasions by the same student.

Payment of the first part takes place during the autumn semester after the selection. In order to receive the second partial sum, the student must apply for a second time. Then notify SCA that they have applied for and been granted a Master of Science in Engineering degree from Mid Sweden University within the time frame nominal study time plus 1 year. Distribution and payment takes place on the Mytec day in November.

Target group 2: University engineering students, bachelor's students, master's students and incoming international program students

The scholarship is awarded to a student whose independent work/degree work for a university engineering degree, or at bachelor's or master's level, has a clear connection to SCA's operations. A requirement before applying is that the student has achieved 150 credits (university engineering or bachelor's student) and 75 credits (master's student) in the relevant education at the time of application.

Content of the application, handling of applications and selection takes place in the same way as for target group 1, see above.

Distribution and payment of the scholarship takes place on the Mytec day in November.

Target group 3: Studies abroad

The scholarship is awarded to students for studies abroad with a connection to SCA's operations. A requirement to be able to complete studies abroad is that 75 percent of the courses read, must be approved, which is thus also a requirement before applying for the scholarship.

The application takes place during May-June each year, regardless of whether the departure is during the fall or spring semester. The application contains a Learning Agreement and a justification that describes the connection of the studies to SCA's operations.

Follow-up of the application. Travel report with the attachment “official transcript of records” is sent to SCA. SCA conducts an interview with the scholarship holder after the trip.

Selection takes place in August/September. Distribution and payment of the scholarship takes place on the Mytec day in November.

Other information

The first selection is made by the preparation group, which consists of representatives from Mid Sweden University and SCA. Mid Sweden University checks that the student fulfills the required criteria, i.e. that the student is enrolled at Mid Sweden University and has completed the achieved study results specified above.

The final selection is made by representatives from SCA, responsible is Maria Nyberg

Payment is made to the specified account. The scholarship can only be applied for once in each category.

About Tunadal Foundation

The Sundsvall companies’ foundation for staff vocational training is an educational foundation that was established at Tunadal sawmill’s 100th anniversary. The foundation will initially, for a three-year period, award scholarships to students at Mid Sweden University for meritorious study efforts within SCA's operations.

Bo Rydin's Foundation

Read more on Bo Rydin's Foundation website