Two people sitting in front of a computer screen.

Write your thesis with us

Writing your thesis is often an excellent way to kickstart your career with us. You get to delve into an intriguing issue while gaining valuable insights into our organization. Many who have completed their theses with us return after their education—either as employees or in a doctoral position.

Here are some examples of focus areas:

Processes and Products:

Optimization/development of processes and methods

  • Improvement of existing products
  • Development of new products
  • Utilization of by-products for new purposes
  • Comparisons between analysis methods and/or analytical instruments

Energy and Environment:

  • Investigation of energy savings
  • Sustainability calculations and investigations

Search for thesis projects here!

We have an open declaration of interest period from September 1st to November 15th for those writing theses during the subsequent spring semester. Occasionally, we also have defined cases for thesis projects, which you can find among our job openings. Click on the links below to learn more about our operations where we offer thesis projects or to go to our job listings, where you can also submit your declaration of interest. 

For Matilda, her thesis led to employment at SCA

Thesis at SCA
Matilda Rosdahl, research engineer at SCA R&D Centre. She did before that her thesis at R&D.