Our history

SCA (Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget) was founded in 1929 through a merger of about ten Swedish forestry companies. In 1975, SCA took the first step towards becoming a consumer goods company with the purchase of the Swedish hygiene company Mölnlycke. In 2017, the SCA Group was divided into two listed companies, SCA, a forest products company, and the hygiene- and health company Essity.


SCA's oldest predecessor, Galtström, was founded in 1673. Galtström ironworks is the county's (Medelpad) oldest, largest and last ironworks and was in operation between 1673 and 1916.

1929 SCA is founded

1930-1949 Production of pulp

After the second world war

SCA's sales and profits rose substantially.

SCA is listed

1958 Production of newsprint starts

Kraftliner production starts

The 1960s saw major changes for SCA. Pulp manufacture was concentrated to a few mills which were extended.

Munksund paper machine

1961 the start of SCA's packaging business

Expansion of publication paper

1967 starts a new newsprint machine PM4 in Ortviken

The hygiene business and expansion of publication papers

1975 SCA lays the foundations for its personal care business.

1975 The acquisition of Mölnlycke

The expansion of the 80s

In the 1990s, SCA gains a leading position in Europe

During the 2000s, the tissue expansion continues

The acquisitions of Georgia-Pacific Tissue and Tuscarora give SCA a strong position in tissue paper for large consumers and protective packaging in North America.

The business in North America is getting a real boost

2007 the starting point for wind power investment

Expansion in South America

2012 SCA divests its entire packaging operations

2013 SCA Care of life

2014 Strenghten the cooperation Vinda

2015 Multi-billion dollar investment at Östrand Pulp Mill

2016 Closure of newsprint paper machine

2017 SCA is divided into two listed companies

2019 Billion dollar investment in Obbola paper mill

2020 Publication paper production is discontinued

2021 Biofuels are produced

SCA's historical images

Go to our historical image archive (Swedish only)
Man driving logs by horse during winterfelling, 1950s.