The core of SCA’s business is the forest
SCA is an important part of society in Sweden, being an important employer with strong ties to the communities in the north where our industries and businesses are located. We create jobs, we develop infrastructure and we turn a renewable natural resource into export revenues. We are committed to creating value as a sustainable business for our shareholders, customers and employees.
SCA in brief

The core of SCA's business is the forest, Europe's largest private forest holding. Around this unique resource, we have built a well-developed value chain based on renewable raw material from our own and others' forests.
We offer packaging paper, pulp, wood products, renewable energy, services for forest owners and efficient transport solutions.
SCA was founded in 1929 and has its headquarters in Sundsvall, Sweden.
Key figures 2024
Net sales 2024 3,400
Average number of employees

Our core values
We have a responsibility to nature, each other and future generations. We are also responsible for ensuring that we all feel safe and secure at work and that we are given opportunities to develop. When we assume responsibility, learn more and have fun, we do a better job.
We always strive to exceed expectations, by improving ourselves, our products and our services in order to create a sustainably profitable and renewable future.
Respect for our colleagues, customers and business partners is a given. Treating people as equals and showing mutual respect fosters cooperation and allows us to develop – as people and as a company.
Sustainability to us
The core of SCA's business is the forest, Europe's largest private forest holding. Around this unique resource, we have built a well-developed value chain based on renewable raw material from our own and others' forests.
Trees and humans
Trees and humans. The roots of our partnership go back thousands of years. We have served one another and enlarged the society in which we both live.