The core of SCA’s business is the forest

SCA is an important part of society in Sweden, being an important employer with strong ties to the communities in the north where our industries and businesses are located. We create jobs, we develop infrastructure and we turn a renewable natural resource into export revenues. We are committed to creating value as a sustainable business for our shareholders, customers and employees.

SCA in brief

Woman walking in the forest

​The core of SCA's business is the forest, Europe's largest private forest holding. Around this unique resource, we have built a well-developed value chain based on renewable raw material from our own and others' forests.

We offer packaging paper, pulp, wood products, renewable energy, services for forest owners and efficient transport solutions.

SCA was founded in 1929 and has its headquarters in Sundsvall, Sweden. 

Key figures 2024

  • 18,081SEKm

    Net sales 2023
  • 3,400

    Average number of employees

Trees and humans