A drone image of a forest shrouded in mist.

A sustainable future driven by the forest

Sustainability to us

What is sustainability to us?

Our platform for sustainability

Using the forest as a base, sustainability is at the very core of SCA. We contribute climate benefit, create thousands of jobs, preserve biodiversity and nurture the forest’s other values. All of this is described in our sustainability platform.

More about our platform
  • 6strategic priorities

    includes social, financial and environmental related goals
  • 12.3million tonnes of CO₂e

    SCA's climate benefit
  • 100percent

    of the wood raw material comes from responsibly managed forests
More about our platform
Trees covered with snow.

We are doing good for the climate

Our target Fossil-free world
Zygaena osterodensis, one of SCA's responsibility species.


Our target Valuable forests

Certificates and documents

Welcome to contact us if you have questions regarding our sustainability work

Per Funkquist, Vice President Sustainability

Per Funkquist

Vice President Sustainability